When the emancipation of society transgresses the laws.
When freedom is confused with debauchery against life, against truth.
When you lose the value of life and go towards self-destruction.
The Argentine Senate approved with 38 votes in favor and 29 against the legalization of abortion with the law called lVE (Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy), which caused the applause of the crowd of thousands of people gathered in front of the building and who supported the measure. The bill allows abortions up to the 14th week of pregnancy, after which abortions are allowed in the event of rape or if the mother’s life is in danger. «

Abortion is a crime! – says Adoniesis

You know very well that to suppress a life call is a grave act of disobedience to the supreme law of creation and the Creator.

You also know that there are periods of not calling a new life.

The animal, in contrast to the man, acts to call to life and make numerous species, and this is precisely in the period in which the female is likely to fertilize (menstruating).

It is not so for the female of the man. She, when is menstruating is not likely to fertilize and this period varies, but never reaches the seventh day, if the female is healthy.

There are still two septenary periods of not procreation; seven days before menstruation and seven days after menstruation, in total, 21 days, enabling you to act only on erotic plan without incurring in damage by coercion or by a crime.

Your science could, if it wanted to, to have the absolute certainty of what is mentioned briefly; and this certainty would avoid the annoying and often destructive trauma that have to face your females, when they are using means of coercive impediment.

Often, these interventions produce psycho-lethal imbalances.

Abortions, as well as you are unconsciously practicing, in addition to be a serious crime in the face of God and men is an effect that cannot remain devoid of a law that you should well know.

I say: it would be very, very healthy to make love with judicious sense of responsibility, religiously reminding that your temporary presence in the world has a very precise aim in the economy of the eternal become of life, and in ecological cycles of the whole of creation.


Eugenio Siragusa, speaking of procreation, explained that the couple has the duty to create that environment so that the fetus is protected in a female´s body (cabin) with characteristics responsible for the role she plays in the creative economy. The couple must be united by a charismatic feeling of unconditional love that is given and not linked to materialistic forms of any kind. This is the only way to create that budget of Creative Love that unites the two spirits even before the two bodies.
The father, the Tao, fertilizes the woman-mother part, and throughout the gestation period, it is the mother’s soul that creates that of the fetus, and this is exactly what happens between our Mother Earth and us. The Earth gives us the body, the Heavenly Father, the Sun (Tao) gives us the spirit, inseminates.
When the umbilical cord is cut, the spirit that was on the waiting list for reincarnation takes possession of that body that becomes physically independent from the mother cabin, but still remains linked to it on a spiritual level. This bond for which the mother and father are responsible allows life to complete its experiential cycle.
The child is thus followed, educated and loved according to the cosmic values ​​that we define as the future but which, on the other hand, have always existed and will always exist, but our society does not know them, does not want to know them or put them into practice.

From the book «The contacted»:

“The most important institution for Extraterrestrials is Creative Love. Such a delicate and divine task – the extraterrestials say – is the basilar pillar on which the psycho-physical-spiritual evolution of human beings rests. Your science should institute such an order of life in case it wants to make finally disappear from the terrestrial race, unhappy beings diminished by an unconscious and criminal engendering. »
To future husbands and fathers, to future wives and mothers, the Extraterrestrials say:
“We understand how difficult it is to dedicate oneself to the good of those to be born, but if you truly love your creatures and want to give them a serene existence, through the health of the body and mind, and a joy of the spirit; destined to vivify the material habitations, you must consider the Work of Creative Love an act of great religiosity before God and men. This is the secret of the perfect evolution of the human race, both in matter and in spirit.
Our scientists are Masters of Pure Science, developed and practiced in thousands of solar systems of the Universe to which your solar system also belongs. Some Planets of your solar system are an active part of this great interstellar confederation and fully apply, with scrupulous exactness and full knowledge, the postulates of pure science that our sane Masters use for the Supreme Collective and Universal Good.

You women, future wives and mothers of the Earth, do not even remotely imagine the great responsibility that you have assumed before the Most Holy Creator Father and before the Universal Laws, when the Divine Flame of motherhood has invaded your souls with gentle tenderness. The highest concept that we, extraterrestrials, honor is precisely the Creative Love that exalts, on a purely Divine plane, the heart and spirit of women. We know this and we honor with deep devotion and scrupulous attention the process involved in the building of this Divine Work, for us the conception is an act, more than physical, spiritual, this is, in fact, above all our thoughts, by an innate Law in us, with That Pure Love that does not admit other conditions outside of those that serve to make perfect the unfolding of our personality in a completely healthy body, an ideal habitat for an evolved spirit. Remember, women of Earth: Mary, the most sweet Mother of Jesus, built with great knowledge and by Divine inspiration the physical temple in which Christ, Eternal Splendor of God, had to settle.
Now that you have grown, also spiritually, it is easy for you to understand how great and sublime this incomparable sense of reality is towards God and towards all beings in the Universe. Yours, in truth, is a Holy Work that in all circumstances must be surrounded by wise haste, if you truly want your creatures to have the possibility of becoming immaculate habitation of chosen souls, of perfect spirits of angelic beauty and wisdom.

Such knowledge reached with love, a sense of responsibility and perseverance, would positively modify your psycho-physical structures in an effective evolutionary way; balanced, healthy and suitable to welcome the Holy Spirit of the Creator Father with joy. This is why we urge you to observe and experience what we indicate below, sure that we have suggested, although very briefly, the basic values ​​that, more and better, provide you with the joy of a Holy Motherhood and a precious contribution to a faster and safer evolutionary ascension of the human race of this planet. Yes, in truth, you stand by what we advise you. Newborns will be more like angels than men today. Here are enlisted seven fundamental points that, you women, must observe healthy to be, more and more, worthy of the Content that God has entrusted to you:
– The creative act must be carried out in a climate of spiritual passion, avoiding, as much as possible, full participation in the sense of material eroticism, man must also fully participate in such a precious predisposition and share it.
– The woman who is in gestation must live, throughout this period, in healthy places, where rich vegetation abounds, and in the soft silence of the absorbed soul, contemplate her sublime creative act. She must be nourished in joy of spirit, serene as an innocent girl kidnapped by the beauty of nature that surrounds her, so that she, as she is, can in perfect relaxation, perpetuate the species.
– Due to the particular situation of your atmosphere, which is quite polluted by toxic and often lethal elements, the upper area of ​​the mountains is preferable, where the air is still pure fragrant with aromatic vegetation.
– No emotion should disturb your heart, your soul and your spirit. Such happiness must always be present in her, in such a delicate and extremely committed period.
– Food must be in tune with the perfect natural evolutionary balance. Milk, fruit, fresh vegetables from the fields, cultivated with careful competence, are the ideal foods because they are light, assimilable and rich in vitamins. Not rude delicacies, but naturally pure and substantially evolved foods.
– The gymnastic movements are harmonious, graceful and accompanied with spiritual sweetness at dawn  and at sunset. Rest and deep breathing at the dawn of the day.
– Always and absolutely avoid the smoke of harmful cigarettes, because it is a vehicle for many evils that prostrate you and are easily transmitted to the future generation. No alcoholic beverages, coffee and excitements of any kind. No medicine, inconsiderate efforts, psychophysical excitements and everything that can negatively influence the pregnancy.

These seven principles, observed with serene awareness, will certainly give you the immense joy of having children who will resemble the Angels of Our Lord. On our many worlds, such an institution is the first and the most important social fact, to which our science gives the greatest value. We consider this delicate task the first Divine Law of the Creator Father and for this reason we are closely bound with unconditional respect. Thanks to the Holy Work of our Divine Rectors, experts of Pure Science and Builders of the Supreme Good, we become worthy of the Love and the Will of God, yours and our Father. We invite you, women, to hear how much we have advised you with fraternal love.
We particularly exhort your leaders and your scientists to take into serious consideration such a necessary institution that, more than any other, will be able to give the entire world wonderful fruits, full of stupendous wisdom; We beg you to believe us and take into account our fraternal love for you which, in addition to representing a purely Christian love, wants to be the spiritual passion of our and your Heavenly Father. »
Procreation takes place on the physical and spiritual planes. What is born of the flesh is flesh and what is born of the spirit is spirit. However, the flesh and the spirit are connected, one uses the other. The flesh must allow the spirit to be released and bear fruit according to a higher order, it must not hinder the ascent of the spirit by playing with the conditioning forces.

«Transmitting life is an enormous responsibility. For this reason, before conceiving a child, men and women must reflect and, above all, prepare, being well aware that the fact of giving birth to a child is not limited to adding an inhabitant to the planet … Through their inner states, parents attract the soul of a benefactor of humanity, or that of a mediocre being who gives nothing to others, or worse still, that of a criminal. «What if we do not have children? Will we become father or mother? «You will say. You should know that there are other ways to bring children into the world, on other levels.
When you go in the morning to attend the rising of the sun, you must impregnate yourself with the importance of what He has come to do and His purpose.
The sun is like the father who sows seeds in hearts and souls, and each one becomes a mother.
If you receive those seeds with respect and love, the children that will be born will be called «clarity», «strength», «inspiration».
Here are the children that the cosmic father, the sun, can give birth to in hearts and souls »
Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov
Abortion means not allowing that waiting spirit to continue its evolutionary path in the material dimension. That is why it is a CRIME against life, against what life means. Live and die alternately; dying in the body is the rebirth of the spirit.
«We urge the rulers and scientists of the Earth to take the divine act of conception in the highest regard because, in truth, it is the most sublime of Works before the Great Creator Father and all universal consciousness.
 We strive to make you understand the great importance of our wise advice. That is why we give you a synthetic picture, with our devout passion, on this delicate material experience and, at the same time, spiritual and divine as the conception is, or rather say, the CREATIVE LOVE. We understand how difficult it is to dedicate yourself to the good of the unborn, but if you really love your creatures and want to give them a peaceful existence, through the health of the body, the mind and the joy of the spirit destined to vivify the material habitations, you must consider The work of Creative Love as an act of great religiosity before God and men. Here is the secret of the perfect evolution of the human race both in matter and in spirit. Our scientists are distinguished Masters of pure science developed and implemented in thousands of solar systems of the Universe to which your solar system also belongs. Some planets of your solar system are an active part of this great Interstellar Confederation and apply in their entirety, with scrupulous precision and full awareness, the postulates of pure science that our Wise and distinguished Masters construct for the supreme collective and universal good. »
Eugenio Siragusa
 -The woman is the feminine part of creation, it is a passage of life. God is father and mother, and the human being, being in the image and likeness of God, is the same. In the material dimension, however, the spiritual androgynous part is divided into male-female by an evolutionary law.
The woman must be the habitat of love and not as it always has been, a degenerate object of exclusive sexuality.
Newspapers, movies, magazines are used to demolish the true nature of this wonderful being: the woman. Calendars, advertisements … naked women everywhere, but not only in clothes but in all dignity, and the most worrying thing is that women do not intervene to stop this situation. This passivity facilitates a misconception of the female personality by stimulating a decaying inability for devotion and respect on the part of the man.
Women are not inferior to men, nor are they deprived of the same rights as men.
The woman must be the ideal complement of the man with the values ​​that he possesses, values ​​that must be venerated and respected. The impact of degenerate visual news spurs degenerates into violent actions that then attack the woman herself.
If we want love to live, we must nurture it spiritually, not materially …
Many unions fail because the noble feeling of love is inexorably stifled by material possession and the obsessive violence of lust.
Love is a very delicate flower that must be desired with true feeling and spiritual joy before total abandonment to the coupling that must never be disconnected from the binary harmony between matter and spirit »
Woodok to Eugenio Siragusa
When woman celebrates having obtained freedom according to man’s laws to kill life, what evolutionary level has she reached?
Aborting or stabbing someone is murder. «Not to separate what God has joined» means not to loosen body and spirit, not to kill.

-The woman is the feminine part of creation, she is a passage of life. God is father and mother, and the human being, being in the image and likeness of God, is the same. In the material dimension, however, the spiritual androgynous part is divided into male-female by an evolutionary law.

The woman must be the habitat of love and not as it always has been, and not  a degenerate object of exclusive sexuality.
Newspapers, movies, magazines are used to demolish the true nature of this wonderful being: the woman. Calendars, advertisements … naked women everywhere, but not only in clothes but in all dignity, and the most worrying thing is that women do not intervene to stop this situation. This passivity facilitates a misconception of the female personality by stimulating a decaying inability for devotion and respect on the part of the man.
Women are not inferior to men, nor are they deprived of the same rights as men.
The woman must be the ideal complement of the man with the values ​​that he possesses, values ​​that must be venerated and respected. The impact of degenerate visual news spurs degenerates into violent actions that then attack the woman herself.
If we want love to live, we must nurture it spiritually, not materially …
Many unions fail because the noble feeling of love is inexorably stifled by material possession and the obsessive violence of lust.
Love is a very delicate flower that must be desired with true feeling and spiritual joy before total surrender to the coupling that must never be disconnected from the binary harmony between matter and spirit »
Woodok to Eugenio Siragusa

When woman celebrates having obtained freedom according to man’s laws to kill life, what evolutionary level has she reached?
Aborting or stabbing someone is murder. «Not to separate what God has joined» means not to loosen body and spirit, not to kill.

(Eugenio Siragusa)
Man does not separate what God has joined
Earth science tries to possess the truth that teaches us harmoniously, in obedience to conscious creative forces, the life of everything created is subject to the immutable law of cosmological ebb and flow. Terrestrial science investigates, makes the Truth its own, and this does not serve to educate the instrument of the earthly man and what has been entrusted by the Supreme Cosmic Intelligence. The men of Earth must come to full consciousness of their work in the Cosmogonic Building. Science must not be deformed, it must not be transformed into chaos, monstrous and destructive, of the creative power of the Supreme Intelligence: God. Earth science must remember and meditate on what has been said and written issued in the future: «man is allowed to separate what he himself unites, but not to separate everything that scientists around the world do»
Severe warning from extraterrestrial Adoniesis
Eugenio Siragusa
Catania, October 28, 1971

Love is not possession (unlike the commonly earthly concept). It is necessary to distinguished what belongs to matter from what belongs to spirit, and both things are complementary in the human being linked to the physical part.
Both the values ​​of matter and spirit must be projected upwards to allow LOVE to be a union of complementary values ​​of the three levels (physical, astral, spiritual). To love is the cosmic disposition for excellence, it is to love one’s neighbor as oneself, because they are brothers, because they are part of an original unity.
Loving is a way in which both parties receive the existential values ​​of the other, in an exchange of the same values. All this also and above all occurs in the creative act, at conception, by allowing life to flow and return to its original unity.
In my opinion, as a woman and mother, and as a human being created by God, abortion means committing suicide. It means killing yourself, your role, it means killing Love, and it means killing God who manifests herself through us.

From the apocryphal gospel of James, we read through the mouth of Jesus when he was growing up:
«Cirenio, you are now a husband and tonight you have already fertilized your wife so that you can have offspring! But I tell you, you will have twelve! But when you are the father of twelve children, tell me what will you do with her and why, and in general, why does she want to have children? Perhaps without them you cannot fulfill your duties well enough and eagerly enough?
Here Cyrenio was greatly surprised and said after some hesitation, a little embarrassed: «As for my governmental duties in the state, the experience I have is enough for me, and for this purpose I do not need children! Is from my Heart that I feel a powerful need to have children, and this need is called love! »
And the child said: «Well, but when you have children, won’t you also involve them in your duties, out of pure love, and won’t you give them authority and power because they are your children, and won’t you make them your powerful servants? »
And Cyrenio replied, «Oh Lord, I will certainly do this for sure!»
And the Little One replied: «Now you see, if you as a man are already doing this out of love for your children, why shouldn’t God, a Holy Father, do it with His children, out of His infinite Love for them?»
And what, then, would be, according to our adulterous generation, the power that a Holy Father grants to his children? To kill each other?
Maria Pia Cavallo
