Mes: junio 2021

The division of the interests of some nations of the earth is leading the entire world community to total collapse

By FIlippo Bongiovanni- -A true scourge on the distribution of the earth’s resources, to the detriment of weak peoples, generated by tyrannical nations creating a gap, where it continues with the same cynical and unscrupulous ease … creating insurmountable gaps.

The humanity of this planet is accused … A GLOBAL CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY ..!

Filippo Bongiovanni the scandals and the worsening of life in our society, hope, which gets little every day, to see what there is as far as possible, to apply to save what can be saved, is extinguished when continue at

Events that confirm the Announcements made time ago…

by Filippo Bongiovanni- Going through the pages of this time, we find, what Eugenio had to affirm, inexorably the events that give us, as we have said several times, the answers to how much attention should be paid … always
